Welcome to Technical Education Online:
The Journal for Technical, Technology, and S.T.E.M. Educators
Who We Are
We are the primary independent source of information and data among Technical, Technology and STEM Educators in the United States.
What We Do
We deliver News and Information, Projects, Products and Sources about Project-based learning that includes science and math in every subject.
What is STEM Education?
A STEM education is not just teaching math or science; it is a way of teaching. Rather than basing instruction on a test, a STEM class focuses on hands-on learning. Students participate in an activity while learning science, math, and other skills.
Our Mission
The mission of Technical Education Publishing online and in print is to encourage, enlighten and inspire educators in the Technical, Technology, S.T.E.M. Education, Industrial, Vocational, and Pre-Engineering Fields.
Our Purpose
Technical Education Magazine’s purpose is to:
- Help manufactures and other employers to find people with the skills to fill their personnel shortages;
- Connect those employers with educators in cooperative programs;
- Demonstrate to parents that technical education is not a track for losers, a “dumping ground” for sub-par students;
- Provide educators with the information about programs, products, and services that can help them develop the future workforce; and
- Convince students that a four-year degree is not the only path to a successful, fulfilling career.
We desire to work for and with employers, educators, parents, students, and education suppliers to strengthen the field of technical, technology and stem education.
Influential Audience
Leaders of Industry ensure continued relevance to our audience needs. Over 200,000 Professionals in 13,506 School Districts and 17,546 Education Entities are influenced by our service. Total coverage of the Technical Programs is in Junior College, High Schools and Middle Schools, and the four year Universities that prepare those educators.
The following Education Entities are influenced by our service:
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Publisher’s Note
There are a number of serious concerns that we, at Technical Education Magazine, would like to address and hope to alleviate via our purpose stated above.
A recent report of the Education Development Committee (EDVC) identified three issues that “drive the need” for quality, standards-based technical education:
- Global price pressure dictates that U.S. manufacturers must compete less on cost than on product design, productivity, flexibility, quality, and responsiveness to customers.
- Individuals entering the workforce and those displaced from jobs require specialized skills to fully exploit the potential of new technologies in all areas of the manufacturing operation. In addition, products are becoming more complex and technologically sophisticated.
- Baby Boomers are approaching retirement, creating a need for 10 million skilled workers.
These issues would seem to suggest to students, their parents, and educators that manufacturing is a potentially fertile ground for career growth. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Manufacturing, according to the EDVC report, suffers an “image problem” among students, parents, and educators, who do not see it as a “viable career option.”
Because of this perception, students find themselves directed toward four-year degrees as their path to success, despite contrary career trends. The EDVC points out that 47 percent of four-year degree holders report being underemployed, while many jobs requiring technical degrees or short-term certification go unfilled.
Furthermore, fully half of the 70 percent of high school graduates who enroll in four-year programs drop out before finishing a degree. Many with bachelor’s degrees are returning to community colleges to pursue training to compete for good-paying manufacturing jobs. The EDVC reports that four-year college grads are the fastest growing group enrolling in two-year colleges.
The Technical Education field has stood the challenges of all education and industry during these past years, and proven its worth. Technical Education programs are changing, evolving and innovating to better serve the country’s needs. Preparing students of all ages to help drive America’s success and vitality, it is creating an educational environment that integrates core academics with real-world relevance.
STEM Education is coming to your school. Technical Educators need to take the lead, and reach out to Science and Math Departments and Administration. Let them know you have the projects that will deliver STEM Education. Every day we hear the question, “What can schools do to connect more directly to jobs?” Technical Educators are Leading the Way.
Join Us
Please join us in our endeavor, whether as contributor, advertiser, supporter, or reader. We are here to serve you. With your help, we can do much to improve technical education for all concerned.
Follow Us
Our new products and domains to serve this changing field are as follows:
Technical Education Post, www.technicaleducationpost.com
Technical Education Bulletin, www.technicaleducationbulletin.com
Technical Education Source, www.technicaleducationsource.com
Technical Education United, www.technicaleducationunited.com
S.T.E.M. Education Source, www.stemeducationsource.com
S.T.E.M. Education United, www.stemeducationunited.com
We will continue to publish online at www.technicaleducationmagazine.com and www.techedmagazine.com
Board of Directors
Editorial Director | Emily Tara
Circulation Director | Elizabeth Paige
Advertising Director | Thomas J. Shaw
Web Design Team | Grace Chula