Technical Education Post

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Alamo First Responders, Essential Workers, and Modern Global Vocational Education (STEM & CTE) in a COVID 19 World, July 4, 2020, San Antonio, TX

San Antonio, Texas, July 4, 2020, By Jim Brazell – In 1709 the Franciscan expedition started and in 1718 the mission built San Antonio de Valero – later known as the Alamo—the first of five Spanish Missions in the San Antonio region. Today, San Antonio is the 7th largest MSA in the United States and we are a city of first responders. Now is a time of stepping up. A time of banding together. A time of sharing and of compassion for one another in the Golden Rule.

Premiering July 4, 2020 and live with Jim Brazell on YouTube Premiere, July 5, 10:15 PM Texas/NOLA Time and July 10, 2020, TBD. YouTube Video –

Free print publications in digital form (PDF) – Read Brazell’s publications for print, 2003-2020, on Google Drive – Read Books, Briefs, and Reports for STEM/CTE and Cybersecurity First Responders written for Governor of Texas, Obama White House, National Science Foundation, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST), Office of Science and Technology Policy, White House, and MDR edNET. Google Drive/PDF Files –

Free on-demand videos, select works of Jim Brazell related to STEM/CTE, First Responders, Cybersecurity, and the Age of Robotics (first declared in 1994 at Bradley University)

Sound Cloud Audio  and Slides – Robot Workforce – And, the role of humans in an age of robotics. Super Systems: The Role of Education, Workforce and Economic Development Collaboration in U.S. Competitiveness, Texas Workforce Commission, Dallas, TX, November 28, 2012 –

Jim Brazell explores the role of innovation and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in education, workforce, and economic development. Topics include (1) defining science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; (2) the structure of technology in the 21st century; and (3) emerging P-20 education practice with an emphasis of innovation and “transdiscipline.” A speech 10 years in the making, illustrative of keen insight as a technology forecaster, Brazell delivers solid analysis about what is next in living, working, playing, and learning in the 21st Century.

Video, Uncut, STEM+ARTS- (TEAMS) – Security & Economic Development: Securing Florida’s Future, Florida Chamber of Commerce, Disney Contemporary Resort, Orlando, FL, Substitute lunch keynote speech for for the Governor of Florida at State Chamber Meeting.

Video, uncut, 21st Century Renaissance, The STEM+Arts Movement (TEAMS), Closing Keynote, STEMtech, League for Innovation in the Community College, Indianapolis, IN, October 5, 2011:

Video, uncut, STEM+Arts Global, Orlando Science Museum – State Economic Development Conference for Film and New Media with Lucia Fishburne, Commissioner, 2010:

STEM 2.0: Transformational Thinking About Science, Technology, Engineering,

and Mathematics, Colorado Association of School Boards, 73rd Annual Convention, December 5-8, 2013, Keynote Speech, December 7, 2013.

The past decade has seen a shift from school reform to innovation driven by the force of the social changes engendered by science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) invention. Jim offers a conceptual framework to help school boards, teachers, students, and communities understand how STEM relates to social and educational change. Next-generation 2.0 Schools must focus on the moral imperative we have to prepare all students for their future, rather than our past. Learn about successful STEM schools, curricula, competitions, tools, and practices across the country that have shifted the conversation about school reform from external mandates to internal innovation.

*This speech predicts Pokemon GO! Like Augmented Reality in schools||

Learn more about Jim and watch 5 of his speeches uncut, you will think of him as the pragmatic futurist when you read things written up to 17 years ago and find them at play today in 2020 in education, workforce, and the economy. Let’s talk story at the intersection of STEM Emergency Response and Economic Sustainability at

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