Technical Education Post

News and Information for Technical Educators

Noble Education Initiative with Resources and Suggestions for Online Instruction

We are united in our common and driving passion for success of students and teachers throughout the U.S. Our innovative teacher preparation and school management programs tackle education challenges with a new and tested perspective.

Our product, our service, and our goals are a success through innovative educational curriculum’s and educator training focused on a fresh, new and innovative approach. At NEI, we manage the schools of tomorrow, and train the teachers of tomorrow to create the leaders of tomorrow.

We need to think about the fact school is no longer a place. We need to think about the why behind professional working parents being so frustrated with being adjunct teachers now. Continuing to educate cannot be about providing busy work and crappy worksheets. It needs to be about great content, accessible by all, and delivered in a way the student can easily access. Now becomes the time to decide what education will look like during the next pandemic, other crises, or just moving us into the next decade.

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