Technical Education Post

News and Information for Technical Educators

PASmart works toward expanding classroom instruction and training

PAsmart is a $30 million grant investment (PDF) to expand classroom instruction and training. These grants aim to improve access to science, technology, engineering, and math education for all students. PAsmart also focuses on increasing computer science (CS) education to prepare Pennsylvania’s workforce.

These grants will support schools, students, workers and businesses across the state. PAsmart will help Pennsylvanians develop the skills they need for the job they want. It will also support businesses through creating a skilled workforce to hire. Learn more about each specific PAsmart grants below.

Computer Science and STEM Education Grants: $20 million

Pennsylvania’s future depends on the development of a highly skilled workforce able to compete in the global economy. To help ensure students across Pennsylvania have the skills and abilities to meet the economic needs of the 21st century, $20 million in PAsmart grants will be awarded to bring high-quality STEM and computer science education to communities, with a focus on early learning centers, libraries, out-of-school time providers, career and technical centers, post-secondary institutions, and elementary, middle, and high schools.

Two funding tiers are available, each having its own purpose and audience:

  • Targeted Grants, of up to $35,000 each, are structured to meet the needs of LEAs and their schools that currently have limited to no CS offerings. There are two funding options for these grants, which are intended for LEAs that did not receive a PAsmart Targeted Grant in fiscal year 2018-19.
  • Advancing Grants, of up to $500,000 each, are designed to support broad, cross-sector partnerships using ecosystem or networked approaches to provide quality CS/STEM experiences to learners of any age (early childhood, preK-12, postsecondary, and adult learners) as part of a high-level strategic approach to CS/STEM workforce readiness.

To learn more about and apply for PAsmart Targeted and Advancing grants, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s website.

Next Generation Industry Partnerships grants: $4.6 million

Next Generation Industry Partnership grants are available to support the development, coordination, and implementation of partnerships throughout the commonwealth with the goal of implementing and sustaining business-driven priorities.

The Industry Partnerships program connects similar businesses with educational and economic development partners to provide the job training and aligning public resources to support connecting Pennsylvania workers to vacant jobs and quality wages.

To learn more about PAsmart’s Next Generation Industry Partnership grants and to apply, visit the Department of Labor & Industry’s website.

Apprenticeship grants: $6.6 Million

As part of the PAsmart initiative, Registered Apprenticeship, Pre-Apprenticeship, and Apprenticeship Ambassador Network Grants will be offered to support potential and existing programs to increase “earn while you learn” opportunities across Pennsylvania.

PAsmart Apprenticeship grant funds will be used to build a diverse talent pipeline into the building and construction trades; expand registered apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeship in non-traditional industries with an emphasis on health care, manufacturing, and information technology; and to support registered apprenticeships and pre-apprenticeship through ambassador networks across the commonwealth.

To learn more about PAsmart’s Apprenticeship grants and to apply, visit the Department of Labor & Industry’s website.

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